Stone the chook!

Found this carving at Kilberry this afternoon and thought it just had to grace the site. I particularly like the way one leg is lifted in that classic cockrel pose:
Stone carving of a cockrel

4 Responses to “Stone the chook!”

  1. joared Says:

    Interesting carving.

    Recall asking a family member once who had cut some stone figures for churches, as well as cutting a life-size cocker spaniel dog with wavy hair, how he knew how and where to cut the stone. He said, “You just cut away what you don’t want.”

  2. Jude Says:

    Looks as though that carving would make a good rubbing – one that could be framed. Not that I’ve ever tried it.

  3. Pat the Chooks Says:

    I think the carving is too deep to make a rubbing, but I don’t really know too much about rubbings. It’s a good inch or so deep from the surface. It only occurred to me after I posted it that the profile picture that’s currently showing (which is Chalky) has him in an almost identical pose!

  4. Jude Says:

    Hey, that’s uncanny. (But canny of you to have noticed it.}

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