Snot goblins

We have just had the pleasure of oldest daughter visiting for a week with her fiance and my first grandson. He’s just over 13 months old and toddling nicely, finding all the things that are so fascinating to a small person and so challenging to a big one! Charming when asleep …

Sleeping baby

Sleeping baby

… and here’s a picture of him toddling down the road with Mum:

Toddler and mother

Toddler and mother

Have just got back from driving them all to Glasgow airport for the flight back to Somerset. It’s a 200-mile round trip, but all part of the pleasures of living in the west of Scotland.

The other relevant bit of information is that I’ve heard today that my step-sister has been relieved of a lump now of the appellation of Thomas. And so the generations once more get out of step.